
Portrait drawing of Hannie Dropkick by Miriam Galassi - 326.

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Portrait drawing of Hannie Dropkick by Miriam Galassi
views: 3317
photo id: 326

Color pencil portrait drawing of Hannie Dropkick by Miriam Galassi, Germany.

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Miriam Galassi, Koln, Germany


more info: Material: Faber Castell colored pencils on A4 bristol. I think im satisfied with this. Just for once. :P I want her hair. ♥ im also horribly hungry. :) Id like to have a sandwich with tomatos now. :( I spent a whole night on all the black and just some hours for all the other stuff. o: And that although Im sick. :) WIll anything ever stop me from drawing? Idk. When I decided to draw the pic I didnt even realize theres so much black in the pc...but I found some old small black pencils used so I wouldnt kill my good ones. :)